Goverment and managing bodies

Scientific Council

The Scientific Council manages all activities related to the monitoring and quality control of activities of InterAc Salut Foundation. In particular, its specific functions are as follows:

  • Suggesting the curriculum
  • Suggesting the structure of thematic research lines and their coordinators.
  • Coordinating the activities which are organised in conjunction with universities.
  • In general, all those activities related to the monitoring and guarantee of academic excellence of the activities of the F. InterAc Salut.


  1. The Teaching Director of the F. InterAc Salut, who will chair the Scientific Council
  2. One representative, appointed by the Chancellor, from each of the universities that form part of the Board

Rosa M. Villalonga Vadell

Teaching Director: Rosa Maria Villalonga Vadell

Teaching Director
Fundació InterAc Salut

(Palma de Mallorca, 1953), specialist in Anesthesiology and Resuscitation. Medical teaching coordinator at the Bellvitge University Hospital (2007-2018). Coordinator of the Master in Advanced Medical Competències Faculty of Medicine UB. (2012-2014). Responsible for the COMBELL Teaching Innovation Consolidated Group (GCID). UB. (2013-2018). President of the Teaching Innovation Commission. Campus de Bellvitge. Faculty of Medicine UB (2013-2018). Member of the UB Teaching Innovation Evaluation Commission (CAIDUB) (2017-2018). Member of the Chair of Medical Education. Universitat de Vic-Universitat Central de Catalunya. Medicine Department Faculty of Medicine from 2018.

President of the Catalan Society of Anesthesiology, Reanimation and Pain Therapy (SCARTD) (2017-2021). President of the National Commission of Anesthesiology and Reanimation. Ministry of Health, from 2020. Coordinator of the International Cooperation Working Group of the Spanish Society of Anesthesiology, Reanimation and Pain Therapy (SEDAR), since 2021.

Alexandre Perera Lluna

Centre de Recerca en Enginyeria Biomèdica (CREB)
B2SLab – Bioinformatics and Biomedical Signals Laboratory
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

Jose Manuel Fernández – Real Lemos

Dean Faculty of Medicine
Universitat de Girona

Anna Casanovas Llorens

Dean Faculty of Medicine
Universitat de Lleida

Fàtima Sabench Pereferrer

Dean Faculty of Medicine
Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Roberto Elosua Llanos

Dean Faculty of Medicine

Universitat de Vic – Universitat Central de Catalunya

Salvador Navarro Soto

Dean Faculty of Medicine
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Albert Balaguer Santamaría

Vice-Dean Faculty of Medicine
Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Sara Esqué Boldú

School of Nursing Director
Universitat d’Andorra

Conxita Mestres i Miralles

Dean Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences Blanquerna
Universitat Ramon Llull

Jesús María Armentia Bardeci

Professor of Medicine
Universidad de Deusto

Joan Ramon Masclans Enviz

Dean Faculty of Health Sciences
Universitat Pompeu Fabra

Marco Inzitari

Professor of Health Sciences Studies

Universitat Oberta de Catalunya

Marcos Nadal Roberts

Universitat de les Illes Balears

Pilar Delgado Hito

Universitat de Barcelona